General Information (Canada & Quebec)
Canada is located on the North American continent, just north of the United States of America. It occupies an area of approximately 10,000,000 Km2, which makes it the 2nd biggest country in the world, by area.
Canada has a population of approximately 38,000,000 (38 million) inhabitants. The size of its economy (Gross Domestic Product, or GDP) is approximately of 1700 billion American dollars (1.7 trillon), which makes it the 10th-largest economy in the world.
Today, Canada is a bilingual country (English and French) that has a modern and well-diversified economy, a very high standard of living, very strong democratic institutions , an excellent school system that is affordable and a universal health care system accessible to all.
Quebec is a province of Canada that is predominantly French-speaking. It is located in the Eastern part of Canada, so on the NorthEast end of the North American continent. The population of Quebec is approximately 8,000,000 inhabitants. It occupies an area of 1,500,000 Km2, an area equivalent to Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany combined. Its GDP makes it one of the 25 largest economies in the world.
Quebec welcomes approximately 50,000 immigrants each year. They come from more than 50 countries and they actively participate in the economic, social and cultural development of Quebec. Quebec offers a democratic society that is dynamic prosperous for all.
A French-speaking society open to diversity
- French is the language of 82% of the population.
- Primary Schools and High schools are mostly French. English schools and private schools are also available.
- Colleges and Universities are available in both French or English.
- Montreal, the main city in Quebec, is the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world. It is an international and cosmopolite city. Montreal is a city where bilingualism, French and English, is very common.
- The second-largest community in Montreal is English speakers. These are mostly concentrated in the regions of Montreal, Eastern townships and Outaouais.
- There are also important concentrations of citizens of other diverse origins mainly in Montreal, but also in smaller numbers in the city of Quebec, Hull and Sherbrooke.
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