Immigrate to Canada
Free Evaluation Form

Immigration to Canada
Jean-Daniel Beaubien & Michel Beaubien

Michel Beaubien & Associates is a firm of Accredited Immigration Consultants with close to 40 years of experience in immigration. The firm is led by Mr. Michel Beaubien and Mr. Jean-Daniel Beaubien. Since 1990, Mr. Beaubien has successfully processed the files of more than 7000 families.

Immigration to Canada
Jean-Daniel Beaubien & Michel Beaubien

By entrusting your file to us, you will greatly enhance your chances for immigration and you will avoid additional delays.

Please complete our evaluation form below to know if you can qualify for immigration to Canada or Quebec in one of the "skilled worker" programs we process.

Evaluation form

years old
The term "Common law" refers to an unmarried couple living together for more than 12 months.

Choose "yes" if your diploma meets one of the following criteria :
  • Your diploma was issued by the Government.
  • Your diploma has the seal or a written approval from the Ministry of Education (or the equivalent in your country).
  • You possess a document from the Government that confirms that your diploma is recognized.

Only paid work experience is accepted. If you have worked less than 30 hours per week, you must calculate the equivalent full-time experience. For example, if you worked 15 hours per week for 2 years, it is equivalent to 1 year of full-time work.

Please choose the level which corresponds to your knowledge of the English language for each ability.

Please choose the level which corresponds to your knowledge of the French language for each ability.


Answer "yes" only if the person who lives in Canada is a permanent resident or a citizen and is 18 years or older.